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Serving All of New England, Boston, Cape Cod, The Islands, and Charleston, SC

Abbie Senior Portrait | Plymouth, MA

I was so excited when Abbie and her Mom asked me to photograph Abbie’s senior portraits! I remember when I was a senior in High School how important senior photos were so I am honored they chose me to photograph this moment in her life.

Alyssa & Alex Wedding | The Pinehills

Alyssa & Alex got married at The Pinehills in Plymouth, MA and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Everything from her stunning Hayley Paige wedding dress to the most romantic florals by Beach Plum Floral Design, was perfect! one of my favorite parts of the

Katie & Louise Wedding | Chatham Bars Inn

Katie & Louise’s wedding at the Chatham Bars Inn was simply perfect. They had their family and friends there to celebrate and witness their love…they had their friends, from Katie’s band, playing the drums and tambourines following them down the isle…they had the sweetest speeches

The Spinelli Family | Dennis, MA

I was so excited when Whitney contacted me about photographing her GORGEOUS family on Cape Cod while they were there on vacation. It was such a fun night and everyone in the family was so sweet. I just couldn’t get over how beautiful all their

Meghan & Jack Cape Cod Wedding | The Dennis Inn

This is a lengthy post! Please stick with it because, I promise you, it’s worth it! Meghan & Jack’s wedding on Cape Cod at the Dennis Inn was absolutely stunning and sweet and sincere all in one. From the moment I met these two at

Jackie & Jeff Wedding | Harbor Lights Rhode Island

Jackie & Jeff’s wedding day was so gorgeous. Everything from the beautiful flowers to the stunning setting at the Harbor Lights was just perfect. Some of my favorite parts of the day was Jackie’s beautiful dress, the florals and their dessert table. Jackie is a